About me…

I’ve been writing fiction for over twenty years and it has been, and continues to be, one of the most rewarding, fulfilling, and excruciating journeys of my life. Before writing my four published novels, I wrote a short story collection, a middle-grade chapter book, a psychological thriller, and a Young Adult fantasy. I also started and stopped a few other novels which I suspect will never see the light of day. I am in it for the journey with no clue as to the destination. I simply love to write.

I also love to read. I read voraciously, across all genres, and I spend my working week in my bookshop where I talk endlessly about books. Which leads me to say books, particularly stories, enrich my life.

I write when I can. Early mornings, on my days off, occasionally late into the night. I don’t have a study, or a writing nook, though I often daydream about one.

I live by the sea, which I love, with my husband and three children, who are outstanding. I am a summer girl with a penchant for chocolate and kale. Though obviously not together. I enjoy travelling and exploring, both in my own beautiful country of Aotearoa, New Zealand, and beyond.

By the way, I never set out to write historical fiction. In fact for the first thirty years of my life I had no interest in history at all. And then, one day history found me, clung on tight, and I can’t imagine it will ever let me go!